About this blog..

I am currently doing an option module as part of my BA (Hons) Graphic Design course, called Image and Illustration. Here I will post any of my work done throughout the module and any work by others that I find inspirational. 

Wednesday 28 January 2009

Animation Illustration

I am currently working on a 30-50 second animation designed for e4. It is to give a count down of the top 10 vinyl turntables. This is one of the illustrations that i have produced for it so far..

Monday 26 January 2009

Guilherme Marconi

My new favourite illustrator! ha, found this guy when looking at mobile phone adverts. He does work for them advertising various email and tariffs but also does work for Absolute Vodka and Havaiana flip flops amongst other things...

Here is some of his work. Enjoy ;)

His work is reet up maaa street and definately the kind of style i would like to work in.


The Dieline

I was browsing through The Dieline website looking at packaging design when I came across this. Having just done a module on Colour for Print, I loved it! And felt very geeky thinking how cute they are!

This is some more work produced by them:

Amelia's Magazine

After a recent group of presentations, I discovered that there was such a thing as Amelia's Magazine. I think I've seen it before in Borders however never had time to see what it was about. It's such a wonderful creation with great work from a wide range of illustrators. For someone like my self it's a great little magazine for inspiration and reference of different illustrative styles.

"Amelia’s Magazine is a beautiful biannual creation that aims to bring together – in good old-fashioned print – the very best in new music, fashion, art, illustration and photography. Renowned for its very special covers (previous issues have been encrusted with Swarovski crystals, lazer-cut, made out of furry flock, scratch ‘n’ sniff in different flavours and glow-in-the-dark) it is lovingly edited, designed and crafted by Amelia (and her work experience) in her spare room just off Brick Lane in East London."


Thursday 22 January 2009

Thoughts on 2nd Image Workshop..

After much speculation about what we would be doing this week with ink an eye charts and the object we brought in, we had to draw them quickly using the ink and different tools to create the lines and then produce the images in an eye chart layout at A2 scale. These are some of the illustrations that i did during the workshop..

Monday 19 January 2009

Research for next week..


I've had my first lesson in my optional module. Went well, not sure if it was what I expected but then again I'm not quite sure what I expected it to be like... hmm anyway this is just a little note to remind me what of what I need to be getting on with... Our homework for next our image and illustration lesson is to research eye charts like those that you have to read when you go to an opticians. Not quite sure why we have to look at them but never the less I'm excited to find out.

Obviously the two bottom ones are just a bit of fun and not genuinely real eye charts but I thought I would post it up because I found them amusing. Rather that standing back from the last image just squint your eyes a bit and you can still read it! :)

Wednesday 14 January 2009

Best/Worst Brief

These are some illustrations that I have done for the current brief I am working on for which I have chosen to look at old school vinyl record players.