About this blog..

I am currently doing an option module as part of my BA (Hons) Graphic Design course, called Image and Illustration. Here I will post any of my work done throughout the module and any work by others that I find inspirational. 

Tuesday 31 March 2009

Final images ideas..


Workshop Development..

Monday 30 March 2009

Crit Feedback..

Feedback given from piers during a recent crit. I have found these helpful as they gave me things to think about and a focus to move on with. People brought various factors to my attention that I may not have otherwise considered.

Thursday 19 March 2009

Playing with the ole TOY SOLDIERS

These are some of the photographs that I have taken so far as a starting point for my resolution...

The Crit

Phil Dunne

Some more inspiration. Note the ones with photography and illustration fused together as one composition. These are my FAVOURITES!

Media/Frame/Resolution considerations..

Everything I have found on Joan of Arc so far has been traditional, print based and typically classical old school illustrations. I have been trying to decide upon what type of media I will use to produce my final resolution and have decided to use the traditional print based approach, but with a modern mix of media - photography and my own style of illustration.
With regard to frame, at the moment I am still unsure on size. I would like it to have variation and the composition to change place within the frame throughout. I feel it will make it better by doing so by keeping the viewer interested rather than them feeling all the sequences look the same and predicting what will come next.
I am sure my resolution will contain both photography and illustration. The style of illustration has yet to be decided upon because I am still playing with colour and stroke. It will be all purely image based.

Existing imagery found on Joan of Arc..